Monday, August 10, 2009

Green-Eyed Monday

I have recently discovered a host of doll artists who surpass every limit of crafty creepiness I thought possible up until recently. I feel like an innocent little child when I compare my dolls to the dark, spooky or downright disturbing creations I have seen. For this reason, I have decided to feature them in my Green Eyed Monday post one by one.

Nu demult am descoperit o gasca de creatori de papusi al caror macabru artizanal depaseste orice limite pe care mi le imaginam pana acum. Ma simt ca un copil inocent cand imi compar papushile cu creatiile lor intunecate si deviante. Din acest motiv, m-am decis sa le prezint in Lunea Invidiei una cate una.

Today, Pat and her elegant hat. I've always loved a good combination of darkness and humor, so there you have it:

Azi, Pat si eleganta ei palarie. Intotdeauna mi-a placut o combinatie buna de umor si macabru, asa ca poftim:
And I thought my stuff was creepy! Hah.
Si io care credeam ca lucrurile mele sunt de speriat! Ha.

But seriously, have a look at her dolls. They are so expressive they are worth an entire week of envy, not just one day!
Acuma serios, uitati-va si la papusile ei. Sunt asa de expresive ca merita o intreaga saptamana de invidie, nu doar o zi!

1 comment:

Melissa Valeriote said...

Greetings! I know what you mean about
feeling like a child when discovering some of the amazing art dolls that are being created. So much talent out there! Thank you for wanting to feature my party clown.