Monday, July 20, 2009

Green-eyed Monday

Today I don't hate. Today I'm not envious or jealous. Today I LOVE Alisa's imagination, and her workmanship, and all the pretty details, and all the oh, so wonderfully expressive characters. I have not seen something so beautiful in the handmade world for a very long time.
Azi nu urasc. Azi nu sunt invidioasa sau geloasa. Azi ador imaginatia Alisei, toate detaliile dragutze si personajele atat de expresive. De mult n-am vazut ceva atat de frumos in lumea lucrurilor facute de mana.

Do go and check out all the pictures in her photostream. I chose to show you the photo above because the creatures look like mucklor, with whom I have had a long love affair. The one below I chose simply because it's beautiful.
Uitati-va la toate pozele de pe pagina ei. Am ales sa va arat poza de mai sus deoarece creaturile seamana cu mucklor, carora le port o dragoste statornica. Poza de jos am ales-o pur si simplu pt ca e frumoasa.

*Sigh... so sweet I could get diabetes :D

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